General Posts, Non Reviews

The Night Circus Read A Long – Week 4 Questions

Once again everyone this is not the final book review, these are the week four read a long questions!

There will be spoilers for the entire book so be warned!

The questions this week were fielded in-chat by @queenzucchini

Let’s wrap this up!

1. A lighthearted question before we get into the meat of the events: did you enjoy Bailey’s journey with the Rêveur?

I thought it was a little odd that they just accepted him into their travelling group and spent so much money on him with no questions asked! I would have been as hesitant as Bailey was but they eventually talked him into joining.

Clearly these people are quite wealthy though so maybe they’re trying to do something nice for him, or maybe … They just knew 🤷‍♀️

2. It turns out the last winner of AH and Prospero’s contest was in the circus all along! What do you make of Tsukiko and her story?

It was obvious that she had some kind of magic due to the impossible acts she did. I never thought she was sinister though. Was she? I don’t know. I think she’s selfish AF to force them into unmaking themselves because there’s some eponymous “she” that the circus makes her feel closer too? That’s not anyone else’s problem and I don’t feel the slightest bit bad for her 🤦‍♀️

That said though someone had to do something soon before anyone else got hurt

3. Celia and Marco weren’t willing to lose one another or the circus, and are now bound to it and each other. Was it the ending you expected? Do you think it’s fitting?

I’m going to get spicy here and say I absolutely hated the ending. Good, go be circus-spirits together and natter each other into infinity.

It’s probably fitting because throughout the entire book there is little action, little closure, and little conclusion, so a big drawn out stalemate where no one wins is about as fitting as you can get. But I think it was a cheap way to end the competition

4. What do you think of Bailey’s role now and the way the circus has kept going? Do you think you would have made the same decision?

Feeding off of the last question, Bailey barely even knew what he was signing up for. He didn’t understand the magic and was fumbling around trying to figure out the book – how are Celia and Marco asking this of a kid? They acknowledged that it was a shame he is so young at least.

Again I just can’t believe they’re selfish enough to pawn this thing off on someone when no one knows the consequences or if he can give it away again later. What’s he even doing, committing to learning the magic? Terrible idea all around.

I would not have, after only going to the circus a few times over the years you’re going to commit your entire life to it? Just no

5. The story ends as it begins, and we learn that it’s Widget telling the tale. Does that give anything read previously a different perspective?

I don’t think so. Either he was only telling the “you” parts or he gleaned the rest from reading Celia and Marco, but I think he was only narrating the “you” parts as the story to A.H. It doesn’t change anything but does explain why there are random changes in narration throughout

6. Any other thoughts?

I’m ready to be done thinking about this book

Thanks for having me along for another year!

3 replies on “The Night Circus Read A Long – Week 4 Questions”

Sure, Bailey is young, but he’s at least older than either of them were when they got roped into this… and he got (at least technically) a choice in the matter. I think that given the way the circus was started in the first place this was one of the best options for it in the long run. Either something like this was going to happen, or it was going to explode spectacularly and nearly everyone would die horribly. (And it’s not an explosions and death kind of book.)

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This is so true, I just think it wasn’t fair to rope him in. He seemed willing enough though to stay with Poppet. And poppet n widget seem a lot more ethical than Celia n Marco, like, helping Chandresh instead of torturing him


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