Science Fiction

SPSFC3 Slush Review: Kenai by Dave Dobson

As we work through the SPSFC3 slush phase, some team members have decided to read books in full as they go if they feel like a potential contender has been found.

None of us are posting scores at this time and the team is not announcing advancement of any book. We are simply choosing to read and review a book in full. All thoughts are mine alone and not reflective of team decisions.

You can see all our official announcements and reviews here at the team hub

My personal first full read of the competition is Kenai by Dave Dobson. Let’s take a look at the book and then I’ll share my thoughts.

Bookish Quick Facts:

  • Title: Kenai
  • Series: N/A
  • Author: Dave Dobson
  • Published: Self, 2023
  • Length: 395 pages
  • Rate & Recommend: for space opera fans who enjoy humor and first contact

Here’s the synopsis:

A planet steeped in mystery…

Jess Amiko is long past her days as a space marine, with all the glory of that time tarnished beyond repair by what came after. Trying to rebuild from the ashes, she’s taken a job as a security guard on Kenai, a lonely world far from the Council systems. It’s supposed to be easy duty – quiet and peaceful, on a docile world with no real threats, watching over an archeological dig at a site built by a race long vanished.

Betrayed and attacked by forces unknown, and finding that nothing on Kenai makes sense, Jess is plunged into a desperate fight for survival that leads her deep into the mysteries of Kenai’s past, and deep into the hardship and paradox the planet imposes on all who call it home.

From Am*zon

My Thoughts

Long story short, Kenai is a fun space opera. It has military sci-fi elements but at heart it’s a dry-humorous space opera. The book also tackles serious themes like “finding the meaning in one’s life”, “how do we move on after seeing terrible things”, and “why do humans wear pants”?

I like Dobson’s descriptive writing and felt like I had a good idea of the setting and atmosphere of Kenai. His descriptions of the tree-like aliens are perfect and he does an amazing job introducing the strangeness that occurs when two totally different races meet for the first time. Is it hair or corpse fungus? What is that hole for? My favorite sci-fi trope is first contact that goes well, and snarky aliens are always a bonus.

I got a bit lost with some of the paradox and time travel elements. It made enough sense as it went but also was super confusing. I felt like I was clueless at first just like the main character, and eventually came to figure it out (kind of) with her. I also liked how the book kept going in different directions to stay fresh but came full circle at the end to answer all the Big Questions.

There’s plenty of murder and humanity and paradox to unravel, plus snarky life forms like aliens yacking out fish bones. Is it a rogue company trying to turn a profit, an alien gone wild, or what?

My only complaint besides being lost at times is that I think this was originally supposed to be a shorter work. It got drawn out with extra words and explanation at times and did tend to drag in a few places, just a bit.

Overall I really enjoyed reading Kenai. I am holding my score because I don’t want it to be mistaken for an official team announcement, although our home page can always be followed for official updates

Thanks for checking out my book review of Kenai by Dave Dobson! I was provided an ecopy for judging purposes although I chose to read on Kindle Unlimited. As always, all opinions are my own 🚀

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