General Posts, Non Reviews

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Most Anticipated Book Releases Left in 2024

I remember back in January we did the first half of the year, and now it’s time to take a look at the second.

What books are releasing later in 2024 that I’m dying to get my hands on? I’m not sure if there are ten, but here are a few!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together

  1. Black Tide Son by H.M Long – July 9th. I loved Dark Water Daughter and eagerly anticipate getting to the sequel soon. I have to get the ARC read so probably my next read

2. The Spellshop by Sarah Best Durst – July 9th. Look at the little winged cat or probably baby gryphon on the cover 😍 I love SBD and can’t wait to listen to this cosy story

3. The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman – July 16th. As a huge fan of The Magicians I’m looking forward to his imperfect knights version of the King Arthur story

4. The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Miéville – July 23rd. Not familiar with the comic books but I definitely want to read anything Reeves has his name on

5. A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher: August 6th. Another ARC I can’t wait to get to is this retelling of The Goose Girl.

6. The Extraordinary Disappointments of Leopold Berry by Ransom Riggs – August 27. Out on my birthday, I’m exceptionally disappointed to have missed this one on Bookish First. I forgot it was coming and by the time I logged in the auto claim copies were gone 😭

7. Warrior of Legend by Kendare Blake – September 17. I thought Warrior of Fate was a standalone but I guess it’s not – I’m ready for the sequel though!

I think I only have 7 books this week but I’m ok with that! I’m very selective with new books now and don’t feel the need to go and read all the new shiny ones anymore, but these are all from authors I trust 😂

Link me to your list this week and I’ll go check it out!

27 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Most Anticipated Book Releases Left in 2024”

Oh my gosh I have seen the cover for Spellshop so many times and I really want to read it but I am only now just noticing the cat with wings? 😮😍! I need to know more about this cat stat!

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Oh haha I would like to learn more about this gryphon 😅! Oh my bad sorry for not including my link! Thanks for popping by my blog ❤

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