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Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books On My Summer TBR

I have high hopes for this summer in terms of (hopefully) mixing some light reads into my Memory Sorrow & Thorn reread, and taking a break from mandatory reading.

Am I glad the SPSFC is over for now? Not going to lie – yes I’m ready to mood read and catch up on all the books I put aside for lack of free time

Let’s see what’s tentatively on my radar

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together

  1. Terciel & Elinor by Garth Nix. I don’t recall why I haven’t read it yet but it’s far past time and I’m ready to get back into The Old Kingdom

2. I barely cracked The Dragonbone Chair but if the buddy read stays on track, I’ll be reading Stone of Farewell in July. Tad Williams interacting with my Twitter posts about it helps a LOT

3. The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson. I don’t feel bad about delaying reading the ARC due to the late delivery but I will read it in July

4. Red Sister by Mark Lawrence – I’ve got another few weeks of audible plus and these are included, so I’d like to listen before they run out

5. Godfrey Under Siege by Mark Howard. I’m reading Godfrey’s Crusade right now and definitely need to know what happens next!

6. It wouldn’t be summer if I didn’t read the new John Sandford – Toxic Prey is on the list

7. I might be gunning for punishment and finally read The Bronzed Beasts. I’m told it’s devastating

8 and 9 are two books from the indie ink awards that I still need to get to

and #10 is literally anything by Bernard Cornwell. I’ve got a ton of his books including all the series starters (except Sharpe) so it’s time for one of those!

What’s on your summer TBR? Let me know, link your post!

18 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books On My Summer TBR”

The Nameless Restaurant is one I’m curious to read, too! And I hear you about being glad to get back to mood reading. While the SPSFC was fun, I haven’t had assigned reading in 20+ years, and I’m not used to it. 😂

Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier!


I’m not gonna lie, every book on your tbr looks amazing. The Nameless Restaurant is set in my city and now I NEED to read it!

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