Biographies, Memoirs, Nonfiction General Posts, Non Reviews Historical Fiction

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite History Books About the Revolutionary War

I’m not going to lie – I couldn’t care less which books have Red White and blue covers, which is today’s actual prompt. Instead, I’ve gone thru my library and selected an excellent but by no means all inclusive selection of revolutionary reading material for you all!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.

In no particular order, here is a mix of nonfiction, biography, fiction, and more!

It’s the classic for a reason. You can’t go wrong with McCullough! Just find a topic that interests you and go for it


Obviously I have a soft spot for the books about Benedict Arnold and the Champlain Valley.  These guys went through so much and this second installment of the Arundel Chronicles takes place right around where I grew up, for the most part.  


I had a few issues with Valcour, but omg, someone wrote about Valcour. This is a hell of a story once he focuses in on the naval aspects and again, takes place in and around places I have swam, sailed, fished, and more. The history around Plattsburgh is insane

Another classic, a Pulitzer prize winner in History that is well deserved 


I’m not the biggest single person biography reader but found this one pretty engaging if you want to read about the Founding fathers

A fictional set by Jeff Shaara, who I mostly read for his Civil War books but he really excels writing about multiple conflicts.

I just learned that this book actually went out of print pretty recently, which surprised me because it’s pretty highly regarded in the history reading community and I didn’t think that had changed


Lafayette is a fun figure.  I like this book because it didn’t take itself too seriously but had a lot of fun info

Last but not least… I mean…. Idk honestly you could always just go watch Hamilton 🤣


I truly hope you guys like my take on top ten Tuesday this week! What history books and authors do you recommend?

A little bonus novel for my fellow Adirondack readers ♥️