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Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fantasy Books I Was Excited For (and then never read)

I’m jumping ahead to next week’s prompt since I’ll be travelling!

We all do this. We all look forward to books, preorder them, take pictures, then never read them. Cough. We don’t? I do. All the time. I put a fantasy twist on this prompt for Wyrd & Wonder!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together

Alright here we go, in no particular order:

  • 1) I was dying for Locklands and just haven’t gotten there yet. It’s a June hopeful
  • 2) The Bronzed Beasts. The end of Silvered Serpents had me screaming and I just… Maybe it’s another June hopeful, I don’t think I forgot the plot yet
  • 3) Gilded Serpent – I read Dark Shores and Dark Skies, was totally in love, and never kept reading. I feel bad because DJ was chatting about ancient healthcare with me and I said I can’t wait to read it 🤣 I’m beginning to forget the first two books though and not sure when #4 is coming, so maybe I’ll do a series reread when Scorched Earth is officially announced
  • 4) EotV – too long! I bought the gorgeous indigo edition then never read it
  • 5) Rule of Wolves – I got mad about Nina’s character and how weird the book got, although I’m ready to see the ending
  • 6) Amélie Wen Zhao got trolled hard for Blood Heir and I just auto bought all the books as they came out to support her although I just plain forgot about Blood Heir I was dying to read it at first
  • 7) Vespertine – bought it with high hopes and ,🤷‍♀️
  • 8) The Book Eaters – Sunyi seemed super nice in Discord and once again bought it and 🤷‍♀️
  • 9) I neeeeeeded Darkdawn like nothing else (and then forgot the prior books /sigh) maybe I can get by with the last few chapters re reading
  • 10) not depicted but The Edan Trilogy – it’s been priority TBR since it released and 🤦‍♀️ maybe at this point I’m waiting for the audiobook

What books have you been dying to read, bought, and then never read?

6 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fantasy Books I Was Excited For (and then never read)”

Vespertine, The Book Eaters and Rule of Wolves are still on my large stack as well. I also wasn’t overly happy with some of the turns it was taking with Nina and all. I don’t feel quite as taken pressed to read it as I once did.

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